Passive Fire Protection

What we do

RAAM maintains continuous communication with leading passive fire protection manufacturers to ensure our clients benefit from the latest tested solutions.
In a rapidly evolving construction sector marked by continuous improvements and technical advancements, RAAM is dedicated to providing only the most up-to-date and tested solutions. 
Services provided:

  • Compliant installations following manufacturer guidance and tested specifications

  • Fireproofing of structural elements

  • Installation of fire-resistant doors and windows

  • Fire stopping solutions

  • Compartmentalisation services

  • Installation of cavity barriers

  • Inspection and maintenance

Fire Door Installation & Maintenance

RAAM assesses existing doors for any damage, defects, and overall suitability. Whenever possible, we maintain existing doors, but if maintenance isn't an option, we offer replacements. RAAM ensures all installations follow the manufacturer's guidelines and adhere to tested standards

Fire Stopping Works

RAAM provides compliant installations following manufacturer guidelines and tested specifications. 
Our services include:

Fire Compartmentation Surveys

RAAM inspects all designated fire walls for breaches in compartmentation, focusing on areas outlined in the building's fire strategy drawings. This includes all plant rooms, service risers, roof and loft spaces.

Surveys are digitally recorded using mobile devices, with each observation given a unique reference. The compiled survey provides an overview of the building's current condition regarding compartmentation and fire safety, along with recommended solutions.

Fire Door Inspections

RAAM inspects all fire doors to assess their current condition and compliance levels, covering all door components and identifying any installation defects, including those involving the substrate. Our surveys include communal fire doors and residential flat entrance doors (FED). RAAM also offers quarterly fire door inspections in line with best practice guidance from BS 9999 and the Regulatory Reform Order 2005

Contact us Today

If you would like to know more about our services or need information about a current project, please do not hesitate to get in touch.